1974 began manufacturing optical fiber cable
To explore new career decisions
Like human hair thin made from glass fiber optical fiber is a kind of high performance transmission medium, it enclosed inside the fiber core, the optical signal and transfer to the dozens of kilometers away.In 1970, sumitomo electric employees in Britain and the main transmission lines related to the first international conference1To staff report as an opportunity, sumitomo electric industries increased by researchers set out to develop optical fiber.1973年,当时的通信事业部的部长小松和副部长中原出席了常务会,在会上提出:“光纤在未来的通信领域中是非常重要的技术,这一点确凿无疑”,以此向管理层阐述了正式开发光纤和启动相关业务的必要性。我们现在已步入光网络社会,但在当时是难以想象能达到这样的技术进步的。这是一项可左右本公司未来发展的重大事业判断,以当时的社长阪本为首的管理层坚信:日本以外国家的新技术开发竞争的急剧加速会缩短实用化进程,光纤将成为未来信息化社会的核心技术。随后做出了决断——将光纤业务作为一项全新业务进行投资。于是住友电工先于日本国内其它公司,于1974年在横滨制作所内修建了用于制造光纤的试验场,开始正式开发和制造光缆。并于同年提出申请VAD法*2The basis of the patent, the law since then became the world's most popular method of manufacture.
In 1978, the company produced cable first export is used to connect to the Florida exchange on the theme park.After entering the 1990 s, the market demand for optical fiber began to increase sharply.Optical fiber promotes the popularity of the Internet high speed and large capacity, and become the support cloud network based on the development of the society.
* 1 Conference on Trunk Telecommunications by Guided Waves
* 2: VAD method of vapor phase axial deposition method.Is in the production of high quality fiber sex extremely excellent manufacturing methods.