New name god highway (armory sichuan bridge)

Support new name god project PC steel technology ~ armory, Yang mei shan chuan bridge, AnWeiChuan bridge viaduct ~

Bridge of lightweight ultra-high strength steel required by the system

Connecting kansai and central parts of the birth of the dual network

As an important traffic infrastructure, linking east Japan one of the major cities in the arteries, is god in the name of the highway between Nagoya - kobe.Although it is supporting the Japanese economy and the road of life, but there is chronic congestion and increase traffic disasters emergency routes functions such as stop etc.So the new transport infrastructure -- total length of 174 km of new highways was born of god.This highway, connecting kansai and dual network formation of central region.The large projects as slow jams and emergency situations instead of roads, to ensure the smooth flow of traffic, moreover also can contribute to economic efficiency due to shorten the transportation time and the development of region.

New name god highway (4 city - kobe)
New name god highway (4 city - kobe)
New name god highway (4 city - kobe)

The world's highest strength of PC steel high durability and fixed system

In the new name of god in the highway construction, the use of the sumitomo electric steel wire (strains) does1(hereinafter, including sumitomo electric industries (strains), a general designation sumitomo electric) provided by a large number of PC steel products.Sumitomo electric在昭和30年代,从当时西德的地伟达(Dywidag)公司获取了长大PC桥梁的建设工法的许可权,并引进日本,在高速成长期推进了PC钢材的相关业务的发展。之后,为了追求进一步的高强度化,生产出了和JIS规格的传统产品相比强度提升了大约20%的世界最高强度PC钢材※2.The key lies in the fact that by increasing the intensity of PC steel itself, on the premise of almost the same diameter and ever achieved high strength.In addition, to promote the function of PC steel reinforcement.One of them is the high durability (anticorrosive) for the development of PC steel products.Through the development in the factory in advance of PC steel coated with epoxy resin and PE (polyethylene) resin PC steel, the long-term reliability of the product has also been an increase of the leap.

Another important thing is that the transfer pressure efficiently to the concrete, the tight PC steel fixed on the bridge of the process.Able to provide one-stop PC steel and a fixed system of fixed parts (group), is one of the powerful advantages of sumitomo electric industries.

Does 1 sumitomo electric steel wire (strains) in October 2002 from sumitomo electric industries (strains) separate and independent, as a special integrated producers in the metal wire products.Overseas sales by sumitomo electric industries and manufacturing, development, and domestic sales by sumitomo electric steel wire.
Does jis specifications 2 PC steel is 1860 MPa.Taking PC steel, the outer diameter of 15.2 mm, equal to about 25 the weight of the car.The world's highest strength of PC steel is 2230 MPa, can be related to manufacturing companies around the world are numbered.

PC steel filled epoxy resin coated inside
PC steel filled epoxy resin coated inside

To provide strong power on the solution of the issue of "ultra high strength steel system"

The sumitomo DianGongSuo is provided by the world's highest strength of PC steel and a fixed system of ultra-high strength steel system.With equal diameter to achieve high strength steel with ordinary PC, so in decreasing the number of bound of PC steel wire at the same time, also can in the limited space within the proper fixed system Settings.In addition, on the PC steel, which is mainly composed of epoxy resin coated high durability antirust processing.

The ultra-high strength steel system is used in the new name god highway "armory sichuan bridge" and "AnWeiChuan bridge" and "Yang mei shan viaduct construction, won the high praise, in grew up in the construction of Bridges of great contribution to ShengLiHua and lightweight.

Shining armory sichuan bridge in chaoyang
Shining armory sichuan bridge in chaoyang


To support the new name god project PC steel technology
~ the armory, Yang mei shan chuan bridge, AnWeiChuan bridge viaduct ~
