Support new name god project PC steel technology ~ armory, Yang mei shan chuan bridge, AnWeiChuan bridge viaduct ~
Arsenal sichuan bridge lightweight and high shock resistance required by the project
Arsenal bridge is one of the characteristics of sichuan, the butterfly is used in the main girder structure web does 3 and low tower cable-stayed structure does the combination of 4, this is the first attempt to worldwide.Responsible for design and construction of sumitomo mitsui construction (strains) of water wild g YanShi said.
"Is required, the thorough lightweight and the extent of increase.Thumb web structure is the shape factor, and because of short tower cable-stayed structure is adopted with low main tower (girder height 4 m) a factor, to reduce the usage of concrete and steel.Bridge girder lightweight earthquake-resistance improvement, also can realize the bridge foundation and slender piers, which can improve the economic efficiency, and reduce the pressure on the environment.To meet these demands is high strength PC steel"
Because of the main girder, reduction in weight cantilever construction (from the pier to the left and right sides of the bridge subject construction method, usually 3 ~ 4 meters for a section) to reduce the total number of extents.For the construction of the whole ShengLiHua, shorter construction period, and accompanied by ease environmental pressures are helpful.
"This is a not high strength PC and its fixed system cannot be built Bridges.Sumitomo electric除了提供产品之外,还解决了施工现场中的各种技术性课题。真是值得信赖的合作伙伴”
After the replacement for the butterfly thin plate does 3 structure.
Does 4 through are fixed on the main tower of inclined cable to support the bridge girder bridge structure.
AnWeiChuan bridge ─ ─ the challenge of the world's largest long span and takahashi girder
AnWeiChuan bridge for PC steel of high strength.AnWeiChuan bridge with its 179 m, 170 m span long downlink pushed (span) and parts of the girder is 11.5 m high piers.It as a form of corrugated steel web plate bridge girder bridge, long span and high girder bridge for both at the top of the world.To achieve AnWeiChuan bridge structure, lightweight is a big issue.Responsible for design and construction of sumitomo mitsui construction (strains) of yong yuan zhi shu's also pointed out that.
"Lightweight bridge for our technologists, big proposition is eternal.How to reduce the amount of concrete?This is also our as the pioneer of the concrete bridge are discussed the theme of the practice.AnWeiChuan bridge span is very long, the number of PC steel products used in necessary to support its weight, difficult to be set.Therefore, we use the ultra high strength steel system, reduce steel number about the 2, thus achieved the world's longest structure"
To support the new name god project PC steel technology
~ the armory, Yang mei shan chuan bridge, AnWeiChuan bridge viaduct ~