Challenge to the world of sumitomo electric group of athletes more Tian Xiuping * small ChiYouGui ITO optimal bush
For the revitalization of sports, sumitomo electric group has invested enormous effort.Under such efforts, the group of elite athletes, they launched a challenge to the world.
This, in track and field sprint project of high-profile small ChiYouGui (sumitomo electric) and multiple Tian Xiuping (sumitomo electric), as well as women's football in Japan national team main force player's ITO optimal (sumitomo denso) three athletes will revolve around this "challenge to the world's athletes way of thinking and acting" this one theme, openly discussed.
Each has its charm of sports: by the team's work together to achieve the ball touchdown of football, and through their own strength results of track and field
Please talk about taking chance in their respective sports and the reasons why are attracted to the project.
ITO, 我有一个大我2岁的哥哥,我开始参加橄榄球运动,很大程度上是受他影响。我从4岁开始练习柔道,当时也是参观了哥哥上的柔道培训班,不知不觉就对柔道产生了兴趣。在坚持练习柔道的同时,我还学习了古典芭蕾和体操等,升入初中后,我在学校的社团活动中开始接受正式的柔道训练。由于来自日本全国各地的选手实力很强,我未能在全国大赛中一路胜出。但我原本就是不服输的性格,因此我不断练习,在初中阶段最后一届全日本初中大赛48公斤级别比赛中获得了亚军。
A small pool 我也有一个哥哥,但我哥哥喜欢踢足球,我和伊藤不同的是,我不想参加与哥哥相同的运动。在小学时就与父亲玩棒球的接投球,并从那时开始练习棒球。随后,我参加了地区的棒球少年团。随着进入全新的活动团体,我逐渐对竞争与胜负产生了一定的意识。初中时,我也加入了棒球部。最终,我被选为“第4棒王牌击球手”,但依然未能出征北海道大赛,并于初三的夏天退役。我之所以能拼尽全力坚持练习,是因为练习过程让我非常快乐,那是我甘之如饴的3年青春时光。
Many fields 我读小学时经常踢足球和游泳,但我最初喜爱的还是跑步。在运动会上,我一般会主动参加跑步项目。我很喜欢夺冠的感觉。于是,我从初中开始正式接受田径训练,读高中时,参加了日本全国高中综合体育大赛。我与小池年龄相近,但他对于我是非常高水平的存在。我的转机出现在大学时期,当时允许学生们自主思考练习计划。我通过训练加强了以往不太重视的肌肉力量训练,并运用跳跃力这一自身优势磨练跑步实力,最终,与高中时的个人纪录相比,提升了0.4~0.5秒(100米)。在那个时期,我的进步非常迅速。大学毕业后,我入职于住友电工,公司为我提供了适合田径运动的环境,我也有幸能够代表关西参加比赛。我想知道,伊藤曾参加柔道运动,小池曾参加棒球运动,而现在分别选择了橄榄球和田径,请问这一转变的契机是什么?
ITO, 我还是受到了哥哥的影响才会选择橄榄球。升入高中后,哥哥开始参加橄榄球运动。我看到哥哥练习的样子,发自内心地觉得很有趣,于是自己也想尝试一下橄榄球。我就读于县立筑紫高中,该校是橄榄球名校,但只有男子橄榄球部。由于没有女子橄榄球部,我只能和男生们一起练习,隶属于地区的俱乐部球队。持球触地得分是队员们心中共同的目标,而每位队员都有各自的作用,通过发挥各自的作用来实现这一目标,在这个过程中,我感受到了橄榄球运动的魅力。我于2019年入职于住友电装,现在,我隶属于以住友电装为主要赞助商的地区橄榄球俱乐部球队“MIE WOMEN'S RUGBY FOOTBALL CLUB PEARLS”。
ITO, optimal
Belonging to sumitomo denso general affairs department.Born in 1996.Birthplace of fukuoka, Japan county.Before graduating from junior high school, she has always been a judo player, in Japanese junior middle school competition all 48 kg level was runner-up prize in the competition.After graduating from junior high school, although there are judo schools offer an olive branch to her, but she chose to attend a football school - built purple county high school.The initial contact with football, she trained together with the boys.After graduating from high school, she to the sports university, Japan.In 2017, she attended the rugby World Cup Ireland Asia Oceania primary station, and with team members to participate in the official selection.In 2019, she was hired in sumitomo denso, and joined the MIE prefecture in the WOMEN's FOOTBALL team "MIE" WOMEN 'S RUGBY FOOTBALL CLUB PEARLS ".In Japan for the Tokyo Olympic Games women's football team players of seven people in the first round of selection, she entered the second round selection.Position for the striker.On the defensive and has unique physiological load of exercise.
A small pool 读初中的3年时间里,我充分体验了棒球带给我的乐趣。升入高中后,我想参加一些能够留下实际成绩的运动,而不是单纯从运动中获得乐趣。虽然我体能很强,但并不灵活。因此,我希望参加不使用道具而单靠身体就能完成的个人竞技项目,并最终选择了田径。我在高一时参加了首次比赛,当时我的100米记录是10.99秒。周围人告诉我这是个不错的成绩,我才意识到这一点,因此我是在对田径不太了解的情况下踏入了这个领域。从那时到现在,我主要参加100米与200米的练习,但不论跑距如何,其结果都会以数字形式清楚呈现,这也是田径项目的魅力之一。田径属于非对抗型竞技项目,因此输赢都取决于自身。拼尽全力后,胜就是胜,败就是败,这种干脆利落的比赛性质与我的性格相符。
Many fields 我也有同感。一切成绩都以数字方式呈现,若不自己努力,就无法留下出色的成绩。田径这项运动的输赢均取决于自己,这就是其魅力所在。此外,为参赛而花费大量时间练习,最终却在极短的时间内决出胜负,我觉得这一点也很有趣。伊藤和小池以前曾有过其它运动经验,不知现在是否还会运用到当时所积累的经验呢?
Many tian xiu ping
Belonging to sumitomo electric general affairs department.Born in 1996.Was born in Osaka, Japan.He practice of track and field since junior high school, into the kansai institute university after freshman year, in 2015 the kansai student athletics in interleague championship title.In the same game in 2016, he refreshed the game records, win the title.OSAKA, in 2017, he was elected to the track and field association is one of the members of the "business of the dream project", the expedition to the United States.Kawasaki seiko golden grand prix in the same year, he took part in the 100 m project, the Japanese students of track and field championships, he took part in the 100 meters, 4 x 100 meters relay, and won the silver medal.Kansai student school of track and field championship in 2018, 100 meters finals, he realized the contest after 55 years of 4 win.After graduating from college, he was hired in 2019 to sumitomo electric industries.At the 2019 world championships, as members of the Japan national team, he was in the 4 x 100 meters relay run 1 stick, Japan won the bronze medal.
ITO, 橄榄球和柔道都属于接触型运动,有共通的部分。在相撞与化解力道等身体运用的方法上,我采用了柔道的相关经验。但由于个人竞技与团体竞技存在决定性的差异,因此要实现持球触地得分这一目标,橄榄球的打法不能直接套用柔道的战术,这两者间有很大的差异要素。
A small pool 我和伊藤不同,棒球的相关经验反而成了我的障碍。打棒球跑垒时,需要运用以腿部为首的身体前侧肌肉,而在田径中,则必须运用身体背面的肌肉。我总是改不了棒球跑垒时的习惯,因此吃了不少苦。此外,以偷垒为首,在棒球比赛中需采取打乱对方节奏的跑法。而田径是一条道跑到头的运动。由于在观点上存在根本性的差异,因此为了练习田径,我需要全新的思维方式与锻炼方法。
Small pool on expensive
Belonging to sumitomo electric personnel department.Born in 1995.Birthplace for the Japanese island of Hokkaido.In high school, began to receive formal training in track and field, from freshman year begins on the map.He and tung cheung shows are competitors of the same year, the duel between the two people.In the third year students as an object of Japanese youth championships 100 m project, he won the national champion.After graduation, he entered at keio university, at the first participated in the international competition, the world youth championships.He is Japan's third ever entered the 200 m final, and won a silver medal.After graduating from college, he in all over Japan air transport co., then transfer to sumitomo electric industries.In July 2019 the iaaf diamond league in London in the final of the 100 meters, he ran out of the good results of the 9 seconds 98, is also a third ran out of the performance of Japan's within 10 seconds.
In order to master as a world-class competition beckoning, maintain a strong awareness of the importance of while competing
We have launched a challenge to the world, but the actual on the world stage?
Many fields 我是在2017年世界田径锦标赛中,首次站上了世界舞台。我参加了100米和4×100米接力。我当时的感受是:世界级比赛中真是高手如云。比如100米。跑前半部分时,我与外国选手实力相当,但到后半部分时,我就被超过了。这让我感到震惊。虽然对方的速度已经开始下降,但依然能超过我,这仿佛是发生在异次元里的事。虽然我当时在日本取得了不错的成绩,但决不是自高自大的时候,我一心只想通过努力超过顶尖选手。
A small pool 对于刚才多田提到的内容,我想许多日本短跑选手都会有同感。归根结底,外国选手与日本选手对短跑的思维方式和常识存在差异。比如100米。就如多田所说,日本选手是在前半部分与对手旗鼓相当,而在后半部分则会转入下风,从很早以前开始,这样的情形就时常出现。其原因在于,日本选手将起跑后的60米视为前半部分,非常重视起跑冲刺。而外国选手则会调侃说:“ 日本选手总是在练习起跑”。对他们而言,只要起跑顺利便无大碍,而从后半部分的60米开始才是决出胜负的关键,他们会在70米左右达到最快速度。而日本选手在进入后半部分后,速度就会有所下降。我已开始尝试与外国选手相近的跑法,我认为如果不这样做,就难以获得奖牌。伊藤也参加了世界级比赛,不知道感觉如何?
ITO, 日本的女子橄榄球与世界其它各国的女子橄榄球有很大差别。新西兰和澳大利亚等国的选手实力极强,不论是体格大小、速度,还是技巧等,均大幅超过日本选手。在与新西兰、澳大利亚、美国和加拿大这全球四大强国的比赛中,日本队被压倒性碾压。除了无法得分外,一旦被抢球,对方就会发动猛烈攻势,一口气持球触地得分。现在,虽然我已出征世界大赛,但依然深刻体会到世界级比赛的竞争激烈。请问小池,向世界发起挑战时,你觉得什么要素最重要?
A small pool 虽然橄榄球和田径有所不同,但我认为,“ 自己心中觉得理所当然的基准”必须是极高水准才行,这一点非常重要。就我自身而言,以往我的极限就是“有可能留到最后(决赛)”。但这依然不够,选手自身还必须具备争夺奖牌的强烈意识。除了意识之外,还需要身体力行地感受顶级选手的实力,将自己的实力提升到与之匹敌的程度,突破极限。我认为梦想与目标是两种不同的存在。梦想可以是随口说说,而目标则必须是在现实中能够达成的事物。我的梦想是有朝一日在世界比赛中获得冠军,我的目标则是获得奖牌,为此,必须保持夺奖的强烈意识,我认为这一点至关重要。
Many fields 关于小池所说的设立目标并在现实中达成目标这一点,我也认为非常重要。从读高中时开始,我便非常重视“ 设立远大目标,思考实现目标所需的方法,并加以实践”这一过程。通过实现多个小目标,就能一步一步地接近大目标。为此,我认为还需要具备刚才小池提到的强烈意识。
ITO, 从现状来说,日本女子橄榄球国家队尚不具备在实战中获得奖牌的实力以及与世界强队旗鼓相当的水准。虽然我们树立了进入世界大赛等世界性比赛前8强的目标,但依然未能实现。在这样的现状下,我们日复一日地思考课题,不断练习。另外还有一个重点:橄榄球属于团队运动,成员间的影响非常重要。在成员选拔中,有的选手会被淘汰出球队,如果此时球队士气低迷,就会对比赛产生影响。向世界发起挑战时,选手们彼此体谅,作为一支球队团结一致,我认为这一点非常重要。